Zero Liquid discharge is a kind of advancement in the field of Waste Water Treatment, as per the current scenario of rising water demands and shortage of supply it is very important to utilize each and every drop of water especially in Industries because the effluent generated by the industries are not at all useful for any kind of work further. To make this water useful the Government has now moved to the concept of Zero Liquid Discharge system in which all the Water supplied to the Industry is being taken by the industry itself and thus no outlet or wastage of water is allowed.
Astox India provides complete solution for Designing, Manufacturing, Installation and commissioning services for ZLD system with advance technologies which includes primary treatment, Secondary treatment and tertiary treatment as per the type of industry and type of effluent quality.
Advantages of Astox ZLD systems are:
- Latest technology combination used water treatment including RO, UF, NF, ME
- Lesser footprint possible with new techniques
- BOD achieved after Aeration is less than 10
- Less usage of chemicals
- Low Maintenance and operation cost
- Media used having life of more than 5 years
- Designed by trained team of technical professionals
- Strong after sales service support provided
- Less sludge generation so easy to dispose
- In case of STP, sludge is converted to organic manure